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 Under the Radar Archive 2019

Take Your Child to Work Day is really a no school day for your child
by Nathan'ette Burdine: April 25, 2019

Take Your Child to Work Day is really a no school day for your child. Come on now, I’m not the only one who did it! “It” being staying at home from school on Take Your Child to Work Day.

Y’all did it too. Like me, y’all needed a break from y’all’s teachers and y’all’s parents. And what better way day to get that break than to take off on the day you suppose to be going to work with your parents.

You can do things like sleep in, stay in your pjs, play video games, watch TV, eat cheese pizza and drink Coca-Cola all day.

I must warn you young folks who have figured out that this is really y'all's day of rest that the grown ups at y'all's schools may know what y'all are up to.

They may have you to come back, stand before the class, and tell them what your parent or parents do for a living.

Be careful now, because some of those grown ups do their research. They Google your parents. They Google their jobs. And then they search the Twitter, the Facebook, the Instagram, and the YouTube to see if your parents posted anything online about their time with you on their job.

Hopefully, y’all don’t have one, or two, of those millennial parents who grew up during the Social Media Age. Because if you do, then you are screwed.

Hope y’all had fun on y’all’s day of rest!

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